Friday, July 31, 2009


Wow! How life has changed since January! I have recently started a new job as a CNA at CMMC on a brand new unit for orthopedic patients and am loving it! It's quite a change as I'm going from 16 hours a week to 24 hours a week, and working (2) 12 hour shifts. Phew! That's a long time to be away from my babies!! Luckily, they get to stay with their Mammie while I'm working.
We're looking forward to a fun-filled summer. Now that the rain has stopped we'll be able to play outside more and take the kids places.
Madeline just had her 2nd birthday - where did the time go?? Mason just turned 9 months and will be 1 in October. WOW! Time really does fly when you are watching someone grow up. It's so cute, Madeline is beginning to repeat what she hears (some good, some not so good!) but it makes her look even more grown up!
love my babies!!

Friday, January 30, 2009


this past sunday at church our pastor preached on learning to "be still." throughout the message i was reminded of the song by Steven Curtis Chapman "Be still and know that He is God. Be still and know He is our Father. Consider all that He has made, stand in awe and be amazed, and know that He will never change. Be still."
this past week has definately had it's challenges and have reminded me to be still and listen for what God has in store for the plans he is unveiling in my family's lives. there are things that happen for reasons unknown to us and even if we don't like what's happening, think it's unfair, and have lots of questions about it all, we must remember that God is in control and no matter what happens, He has planned it all --for His reasoning -- since before any of us were even here. someday i suppose we'll be able to ask Him why he let these things happen, but then, i'm not quite sure if we'll want to know the why's anymore. we'll be revelling in the reality that we are in His presence, with loved ones who had passed on, and we won't have any more heartache - ever!

i am very blessed with the most wonderful family anyone could have and am equally lucky to have them all (mostly) living very close to me. we've always been a close family but growing up proves to be more rewarding than i could ever have thought. i get to go out and have a "girls night" with my best friend (my sister) and special cousins. i get to relieve my grandmother for a few hours so she can go shopping with my mother instead of having to stay home and take care of my grandfather. i get to go for rides with my mom and kids and catch up on all the family news. i get that wonderful phone call in the middle of the day from my husband just calling to check on the kids and i to make sure we're ok. i get to see the smile on my dad's face when my daughter spots him coming through the door, grins ear to ear, and yells "papa!!" how much more blessed could i be? i could only think of a few ways that i could be any happier, and that relies on God's plan for my sister & my brother(in-law)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


My life is busy. I am recently married to my wonderful husband, Tim. We met in 2005 through a mutual friend and started to become good friends. I've always said I was "set up" and didn't have a chance to escape him, even if I had wanted to. The first night we met he told one of his best friends that he was going to have me as his girlfriend and that's all there was to it. Though I didn't know of his plans for us to have a relationship, we began one. We dated for a couple years, I enjoyed going to the speedway to watch him race his race truck and loved to go to the garage and help him work on it. We spent most of our time together just having fun. In September of 2006 my sister got married and shortly after I found out that I was pregnant. While this was quite a shock to us both we knew the biggest moment to come was having to tell my parents. When the night came where we couldn't hide it anymore and we told them, my mom almost fell backwards down the stairs and Tim thought my dad was having a heart attack. It was not news that was welcomed at first and took quite some time to get used to. When our beautiful daughter Madeline Lee arrived on July 3, 2007 my parents melted. Madeline had Grampa & Grammie wrapped around her little fingers. What a blessing she was to us all.
Later that year on my birthday Tim proposed! We were all thrilled and couldn't wait to start planning our wedding. We set a date: May 31, 2008. Suddenly it seemed all of the planning had come to and end and I was soon realizing that there were only a few short weeks left until we would tie the knot. Tim came home one night and I was so hot I had all of the windows open and was in a tank top & shorts. Keep in mind this was the beginning of May. He looked at me and said "woman, you better not be pregnant!" Later that evening I took a pregnancy test and, sure enough! the test came back positive. I made an appointment to see the doctor and two weeks before our wedding we were informed of the three following things: 1) I was indeed pregnant, 2) I was FIVE MONTHS ALONG, and 3) it was a boy. Be still my heart! We couldn't have been more surprised by the news we had received, I cried for the rest of the day.
Our wedding came and it was wonderful, all of the planning and hardwork payed off and we had a good time. Most importantly we had entered into a relationship ordained by God of which we will remain in for the rest of our lives. We went on our honeymoon, a 7 day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean - talk about relaxing! It was amazing! The summer came and went and soon it was fall. We began getting very impatient to meet our son who seemed to take forever getting here. Finally, on October 24, 2008 we were blessed with our 9 pound 2 ounce son Mason Timothy, another blessing from the Lord.
So at this point in our lives we are Mama & Daddy, doing the best we can to raise our children "in the way he should go." We love to be around our family and laugh making memories that will last for all time. We are looking forward to the future and what it has for us all.